After the registration in the office, each diver receivs a personal box, where he can leave his own equipment for all the period of his stay. The box will be put in a storage room, where divers can also hang their jackets and suits to special bars, after having rinsed them. Customers will dive in groups of max 6 divers + the guide and will be devided depending on the level of their diving certification: O.W.D. and/or first level on one side and advanced on the other. Who hasn’t dived for 12 months or more, must start with a “check dive”: some excercises at the beginning of his first dive with the assistance of an instructor. Tanks and jackets have to be assembled and checked in their functions before boarding. The boats leave with all divers wearing their suits completely or half and taking with them the strictly necessary diving equipment. After the achorage, a detailed briefing takes place, supported by the map of the diving place in A3 size. The dives respect the classical buddy/couple system. At the depth of 5m there is always a decompression safety station. At the end of the dive, before taking the anchor away, hot tea and biscuits are offered. All loading and unloading operations of the equipment will be realized by the staff of the diving center.

The dive guides go into the water to show the diving spot in the best way and in full safety. It will be their satisfaction to point out you the best of the underwater environment keeping you in the best comfort. The diving guide is not in the water to make the instructor’s or the private guide’s work (this is possible, but with a surcharge). On the contrary the guide is in the water to lead a group excursion. If the guide thinks that a diver cannot make his dive in safety, he can decide in any moment to stop the dive and take the client at risk back to the boat.

Environmental regulations
- It is forbidden to take out of the water dead or living organisms.
- A neutral boyancy is highly recommended, in order to avoid damages to the aquatic world.
- It’s recommended to remain at least 50cm far from walls and grounds, in order to avoid damages to organisms like gorgons, parazoanthus etc.
- Pay attention and avoid that air bubbles get into contact with living organisms.
- For this reason avoid breathing under rocky arcades and walls with gorgons, parazoanthus, etc.
- Don’t touch living organisms with the hands.
- Don’t feed the fishes.
Rules for safety in recreational diving
In Sardinia from February 1999 there is a Regional Professional Register for all diving instructors and guides, diving centers and organizations. Orso Diving Club and its staff are regularly registered, as they have all the necessary requisites.
Beyond this register the Region Sardinia has legiferated on recreational diving according to the international standards of safe diving and the Orso Diving Club fully respects these laws.What’s more, the Orso Diving Club is located in the heart of the Marine Park of the Archipelago of La Maddalena and is a recognized diving center, authorized to work in this area. As a matter of fact most of our dives are in this Marine Park, with the only exceptions of the dives in Tavolara and in Corsica.
Considering that the infringement of the Regional Laws and of the Marine Park Rules on Recreational Diving has strong penal consequences and that in any case the Orso Diving Club completely accepts them, anyone who will dive with the Orso Diving Club has to respect the following:
- It is compulsory the use of the following equipment: jacket, alternate air source, air gauge, diving instruments (computer and/or depth gauge, timer and diving tables).
- It is forbidden to dive beyond the depth recognised by the owned diving certification (O.W.D. 18m; A.O.W.D. 30m). For dives beyond 30m it is compulsory to have a Deep Dive Specialty Certification or to be a professional (Dive Master or Instructor) or to have an equivalent certification.
- It is forbidden to dive beyond 40m
- It is forbidden to make decompresssion dives
- It is forbidden to dive beyond the depth limits planned by the guide
- It is forbidden to separate from the group and/or from the buddy.
- It is forbidden to exit the water with less than 30bar in the tank.
- The above mentioned rules are related to safety, so they are the most important. If they are not obeyed, the ODC will reserve the right to forbid further dives with its organization.
Tel: +39 0789 99001
Mob: +39 348 0641825
Orso Diving Club - Poltu Quatu
between Baja Sardinia & Porto Cervo
07021 Arzachena (OT)
Monday - Sunday
8:00 am - 7:00 pm